GHF Awards Approximately $1.4 Million to 2020-21 Grant Partners
GHF works interdependently with its grant partners to achieve the common goal of improving community health. Partners are carefully vetted each year by board-appointed Grants Committee members and GHF staff. We are privileged to support the following organizations in 2020-21:
- Age of Central Texas (AGE). General operating support for AGE’s senior programs.
- Any Baby Can (ABC). Supports first-time, low-income Georgetown moms and babies through the Nurse-Family Partnership, a home visiting program.
- Boys & Girls Club of Georgetown. General operating support for the Club to provide its out-of-school programs to youth ages 5-17 throughout the year and to assist essential workers with childcare.
- Brookwood in Georgetown (BiG). General operating support for BiG’s Georgetown-based programs and Citizens.
- Faith in Action Georgetown (FIAG). General operating support toward FIAG’s mission as a resource to homebound senior residents of Georgetown.
- FII-National (Family Independence Initiative). Financial assistance to eligible Georgetown families to strengthen their socioeconomic mobility.
- Fostering Hope Austin (FHA). Funds support FHA’s coordination of the Williamson County Family Recovery Court, a program to reunify families following the removal of a child(ren) from the home due to a parent’s substance abuse or mental health issue.
- Georgetown Backpack Buddies. Funds offset cost of food packs for qualifying Georgetown ISD students.
- Georgetown Cultural Citizen Memorial Association (GCCMA). Funds support GCCMA’s cultural and educational programming.
- Georgetown Independent School District. Supports the Mental Health in Schools Program in partnership with GISD’s Counseling Services by funding school-based therapy and tele-therapy at no cost to Georgetown students.
- Georgetown YMCA. General operating support for low-income families and essential workers to engage in the Y’s camps and programs.
- Girlstart. Funds support virtual STEM education programs for girls.
- Goodwill of Central Texas. Support for the 3rd year of the Empowering Georgetown through Education initiative; Goodwill provides case management to adults earning a post-secondary credential and employment.
- Habitat for Humanity of Williamson County. General operating support for home build and repair programs as well as additional funds earmarked to support the purchase of land in Georgetown, the future site of 10 Habitat homes.
- Hope Alliance. General operating support for survivors of family violence and sexual assault.
- Literacy Council of Williamson County. General operating support for adult education programs.
- Meals on Wheels Central Texas. Funds support meal delivery to homebound seniors in Georgetown.
- Opportunities for Williamson-Burnet Counties (OWBC). Funds support meal delivery to homebound seniors in Georgetown.
- Pavilion. Funds designated to assist Georgetown residents through recovery from substance abuse and/or mental health challenges via peer support.
- Ride On Center for Kids (ROCK). General operating support for all of ROCK’s therapeutic programs.
- Samaritan Center. General operating support for Samaritan’s mental health and wellness programs.
- Southeast Georgetown Community Council (SEGCC). Funds support SEGCC’s mission to facilitate community problem solving by bridging the gaps between neighbors, city agencies, elected representatives, and other groups.
- STARRY. General operating support for STARRY’s family and youth therapy services, provided at no-cost to Georgetown residents.
- Texas Baptist Children’s Home (TBCH). General operating support for wraparound, comprehensive services to children and families in need.
- The Caring Place. General operating support to assist families in crisis.
- The Christi Center. General operating support for grief resources to families that have lost a loved one.
- The Georgetown Project. General operating support for child and youth advocacy, education, and empowerment programs.
- The Salvation Army. Funds directed to assist Georgetown residents experiencing housing instability.
- Williamson County and Cities Health District (WCCHD). Support the Resilient Wilco initiative, a collaborative effort to reduce the number and impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Williamson County.
- Williamson County Children’s Advocacy Center (WCCAC). Support for the delivery of the Circle of Security curriculum, a preventative, parent education program.