Introduction to Grants
Georgetown Health Foundation is committed to supporting local nonprofit organizations that expand or enhance the health needs in the Georgetown community. This is done through collaborating with local non-profit organizations.
2025 Annual Grant Process Opens December 2, 2024
Georgetown Health Foundation (GHF) will begin accepting Letters of Intent (LOI) from eligible organizations interested in being considered for funding through our annual grants process in 2025. LOIs are due by 5:00pm Central Time on Friday, January 31, 2025.
Current Philanthropic Priorities
Our funding prioritizes basic needs and the social determinants of health supporting such needs.
GHF applies a health equity lens to our goals and strategies. Inequities in health are often socially determined. Health equity strategies seek to increase opportunities for everyone, regardless of their circumstances, to live the healthiest life possible. GHF views the pursuit of health equity as a way to correct or challenge factors outside a person’s control that negatively impact their health, e.g., lack of resources, education, or income.
We invite applicants to share how their organization contributes to advancing health equity for GHF’s target population within the greater Georgetown community.
In order to be considered for funding, nonprofit organizations must ensure that their mission, vision, priorities, target population and service area align with GHF’s.
Our Mission
Georgetown Health Foundation generates and accelerates positive change in our Community’s health.
We imagine our Community as one in which all are empowered to build and sustain healthy, productive lives and we believe the health of Georgetown residents is influenced by the environment in which they live.
Vision Philosophy
Georgetown Health Foundation agrees with the World Health Organization’s definition of health as ‘a complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of infirmity.’
We believe that social determinants of health are powerful influencers on this comprehensive definition of health. Social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life. These forces and systems include economic policies and systems, development agendas, social norms, social policies, and political systems.
Target Population & Geographic Service Area.
Target Population
To be considered for funding, organizations must serve Georgetown residents with household incomes or needs that align with one or more of the qualifiers described below:
1. A household’s income equates to or is less than Williamson County’s ALICE Threshold
ALICE – Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed – represents the growing number of families who are unable to afford the basics of housing, childcare, food, transportation, healthcare, and technology. ALICE data is grounded in research that more accurately defines “…the mismatch between low-paying jobs and the cost of survival” than Federal Poverty Guidelines. With incomes above the Federal Poverty Level, ALICE households earn too much to qualify as “poor” but are still unable to cover basic household expenses. Examples of ALICE Thresholds for Williamson County households are as follows:
Williamson County Household | Gross Hourly Wage | Gross Annual Wage |
1 Worker* | $18.40 | $38,272 |
2 Workers | $13.20 | $54,912 |
1 Worker, 1 Child | $27.00 | $56,160 |
2 Workers, 1 Child | $18.07 | $75,171 |
2 Workers, 2 Children | $20.86 | $86,778 |
*Worker = individual working full-time, year-round.
The ALICE Threshold in Williamson County is derived from the ALICE Household Survival Budget, rounded to the nearest American Community Survey income category, and adjusted for household size and composition for each county
2. Financial crisis, e.g., sudden job loss.
3. Households with significant need. Needs are not always income-driven. “Significant need” as a qualifier is intended to capture needs that are not necessarily associated with income limitations, such as terminal illness, support for an adult who is homebound due to age and/or disability, or a loved one struggling with mental health and/or substance use.
Geographic service area
All residents living within Georgetown and its extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) and includes the following zip codes: 78626, 78628, 78633, 78673, 78674, and 78634.
Funding Threshold: $10,000-$50,000
Please note:
- Funding requests cannot exceed 25% of an organization’s total operations in any given year.
- If funding is available, awards may exceed the maximum threshold at GHF’s discretion.
2025 Annual Grant Process
Grant Period: July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026
December 2, 2024 | LOI Opens |
January 31, 2025, 5:00pm | LOI Deadline |
February 14, 2025 | Notification Regarding LOI Status |
March 28, 2025, 5:00pm | Full Proposal Deadline for Invited Organizations |
May 30, 2025 | Notification of Grant Awards |
Please note, we do NOT fund:
- Direct support of individuals
- Clinical trials of drugs or devices
- For-profit organizations
- Programs that exclude participants on the basis of race, religion, age, gender, or sexual orientation
- Loans
- Support of political agendas or candidates
- Lobbying activities
- Private and charter schools
- Programs that exclusively serve religious purposes and/or direct funding to religious institutions
Funding Threshold Policy
Grant requests should not exceed 25% or more of an applicant’s total organizational budget in any given year.
Overhead/Administrative Funding Policy
While Georgetown Health Foundation understands that nonprofit organizations require support for overhead/administrative expenses, we will request the rationale for an overhead threshold at or above 20%.
Questions? Contact Suzy Pukys at