Community Rooms
Are lighted candles allowed?
Is a janitorial service available?
No. Each organization is responsible to clean and reset room(s).
Is catering allowed?
Are alcoholic beverages allowed?
Are outside food and beverages allowed?
Yes; however, non-alcoholic beverages only.
How do I obtain the AV Equipment?
A key to the equipment cabinet is with the door/room key. The equipment cabinet is located in the Storage Closet accessed through Room C. Trays are labeled for each Room. Instructions for connecting projectors and microphones are online and in the equipment cabinet. GHF does not provide technical services.
What is the capacity?
NOTE: 100 fabric and 30 folding chairs are available*
Standard Set-up
Room A – 30 chairs, six-seven 8-ft tables
Room B – 30 chairs, eight 6-ft tables
Room C – 35 chairs, five 6-ft [72”] round tables
Room A – 45 w/ tables & chairs / chairs only=66
Room B – 45 w/ tables & chairs / chairs only=66
Room C – 56 w/ tables & chairs / chairs only=78
Maximum Occupancy for all three rooms:
200* – tables and chairs
210* – chairs only
Please refer to the Room Capacity/Standard Room Set up and Furnishings for additional information.
Is there a cost for using the rooms?
There is currently no cost to use the space.
How do I get a key for the Community Rooms?
Keys to the door and equipment cabinet are kept in a lockbox. Instructions are provided when reservation is confirmed.